Your company's credit limit is the amount you can spend as a team within your statement period. This limit is dynamic by design and is regularly adjusted by Torpago according to your spending patterns and cash balances. Please note that you may submit a credit limit increase request once every four months.
A user limit is a maximum spending limit assigned to each employee or user of the card within a company. The purpose of a user limit is to control spending and prevent employees from overspending or misusing their cards. By setting a user limit, the company can ensure that employees can access the funds needed to perform their duties while avoiding unnecessary expenses or fraudulent activities.
The card limit refers to the maximum amount charged or spent on an employee or user's specific physical or virtual card. The Admins usually determine the card limit for each user card, which may be lower than the overall credit limit or user limit. The card limit helps control spending on a specific card and can be adjusted by an Admin user.
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