Admin users have the ability to set and enforce specific expense policies that align with their business practices. Here are the steps to follow:
1. Navigate to the Settings page on the side menu.
2. Click on the Expense Policy tab.
3. Admin users can define specific expense policies for their account. These policies can include transaction requirements, custom fields, enforcement and default restrictions.
Transaction Requirements: Admin users can set requirements for each users and departments.
Review Status:
Review status is on. Cardholders will be required to review every transactions.
Review status is off. Cardholders will not be required to review transactions. Each transaction will go to a "Submitted" status.
Auto Submit Transaction: Set whether or not you would like to auto submit transaction if receipt is matched through email intelligence.
Transaction Task Requirements: Admins can set the tasks required for each users.
Admin users can also set limits for each department.
Click Save, once done with setting up the Transaction Requirements.
Custom Fields: Admin users can create custom fields for users when reviewing transactions.
Click the + Create New Field button to see the Create Custom Field window.
to users/all departments or specific departments when reviewing transactions.
Enforcement: Admin users can set enforcement on card approvals, transaction approvals, review transactions, missing receipts and either send email or freeze the cards. Payments will freeze if the task is not reviewed within the time-period set. Admins can also require each user to sign the card holder agreement. Click Save to successfully set enforcements.
Default Restrictions: Admin users have the option to set restrictions for certain roles within departments
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